Yesterday, I posted some of the emotion-laden comments of recent readers of The Meaning of Children (and tweeted my brains out about it--sorry if I got on your nerves!)
And then today, a lovely new review that has me reaching for the thesaurus, fresh out of superlatives...The Rover's Francine Diot-Layton says, "With The Meaning of Children, we get a beautifully written exposé on the meaning of life."

Another sliver: "There are fourteen stories in all. Many of them exercise difficult writing tools such as the second person point of view in Like Jeremy Irons, which deals with abortion. Surprisingly, the use of “you” blankets the stories with anonymity. The first three, narrated through the eyes of a child in the first person, are candid, disarmingly frank and lucid. So delightful they are, that I regret is that the entire collection isn’t written from the children’s perspective."
You are cordially invited to take a moment to read the review: Suffer the Children.

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