I'm appearing Nov.20th at the BLUE EMET ARTS FESTIVAL & YOU'RE INVITED!
My synagogue, Congregation Dorshei Emet, is excited to introduce a new programming initiative: The Blue Emet Arts Festival - November 19th and 20th, 2011.
This first edition of the festival features both films & books:

Saturday, November 19, 7:00PM: Citizen or Stranger. Produced and presented by Ina Fichman.
Sunday, November 20, 7:00PM: The "Socalled" Movie; Presented by Garry Beitel (Director) and Barry Lazar (Producer).

Sunday, November 20, 10:30AM: The Teaching Novel: Novel Teaching. Presented by Jerry Wiviott/ Moderated by Esther Frank
Sunday, November 20, 1:00PM: Literary panel (moderated by Esther Frank) including Bev Akerman, Ami Sands Brodoff, Elaine Kalman Naves and Glen Rotchin.
Tickets are $8 per event or $20 for the weekend. Tickets available in advance or at the door. Reserve at 514-486-9400.
Event Co-Chairs are Marion Van Horn and Helena Kisilevsky.
Congregation Dorshei Emet
18 Cleve Road, Hampstead, H3X 1A6
Telephone: 514-486-9400
Fax: 514-486-5442
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