Friday 31 August 2012

THE MEANING OF CHILDREN: 1000+ downloads on current FREE promotion

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all the many literary fiction and contemporary fiction lovers out there who have downloaded THE MEANING OF CHILDREN during the current free promotion on Amazon worldwide (Canada, USA, UK, Germany, India and everywhere else!!)

Eleven hundred downloads is no small potatoes for an unknown literary writer from Montreal, Canada! I really appreciate all the feedback, including the latest review from Steve of Highland Park, NJ:
  •  "Grace, subtlety, and emotional precision. Years ago, I read a remark to the effect that great writers are people who never forgot what it was like to be a child. Beverly Akerman remembers her childhood in every detail. She also remembers mine, and probably yours as well. She also remembers that for a parent there is no such thing as an unmixed emotion, and in these stories she uses emotions the way Monet used color. A collection to muse on, to savor, and to re-read." 

We've made it to #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Literary Fiction, right after the old masters (Dickens, Bronte, Austen, Dostoyevsky, etc.).

The giveaway concludes Sept. 2nd, end of day, so please keep downloading and passing along the link to those you know who love heartfelt stories that are worth reading, that stick with you, and help illuminate your own experiences... Have a wonderful long weekend, everyone!

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